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Can you remember a time when casino gaming was only accessible to people who had cars, a smart wardrobe to dress up with, and lots of money for the swanky casinos you’d find dotted around the countryside? Whenever the ordinary person visited these establishments frequented by the upper class, they were usually left in awe, equally impressed & depressed, and somewhat intimidated by the experience.
With the rise of the internet all this has changed. Now everybody can enjoy their favourite games, be it slots, black jack, roulette or poker without leaving their house.
In the comfort of your home is where it is at now, and nobody will care what you are wearing or if you have styled your hair, or your makeup is in place. At home you can play at your own leisure at any time you feel you want to, or in any room you are most comfortable in.
It started with your desktop computer and the casino experience was played through your average download client. At that time downloading was widespread and generally accepted as the only way to enjoy the games. That is when you had the application on your desktop and depending on the speed of your internet connection you would enjoy the spin of the wheels to the max.
Having the software on your machine made you feel safe, but with every update the internet became more vulnerable to people who would exploit the willingness for those to who’d download to spread viruses. Although the casino download software was never connected to spreading of computer viruses, the casino software developers were starting to offer browser based games, and downloading became less popular.
Browser based games were instantly available to the player and this not only on one machine but wherever they would log into their casino account. This made gaming more flexible. Now the playing was not restricted to the desktop in your home office but it could be played on any other computer that you had access to without having to download the software first. Simply login and play.
Laptops would bring their own flexibility to the game. With laptops the player could still play either client or browser based without being stuck in an office environment. This would allow gaming to become mobile and the next evolution was on its way. Mobile gaming is where we are now and most operators have moved with the times and created a mobile version of their games, to allow their players to enjoy their favourite pastime on the go.
Today we offer our customers a broad range of choices. The most complete list of games can be found in the download casino, but the instant play browser based version offers a huge range of games online, and the mobile offer is catching up too. With the most popular games on hand to play on smartphones or tablets, you can play wherever you are and it doesn’t matter if your device is based on iOS or Android.
Golden Euro Casino is proud to be supporting their players in their choice of gaming!